
The Lottery And Hills Like White Elephants

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The American Association of University Women (AAUW) states that women typically earn about 90 percent of what men are paid until they hit 35. After that, the median earning for women is typically 75-80 percent of what men are paid. This repression is revealed in the short stories “A Rose for Emily” by William Faulkner, “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson, and “Hills Like White Elephants” by Ernest Hemingway. In America, there are many causes of women repression, however the three most prominent causes are society, tradition, and religion.

In the short story “The Lottery,” the lottery was important for the society’s rules and traditions. The village society made a decision long ago that this is how they would deal with their population, …show more content…

In “The Lottery” a tradition of repression is shown in many ways. First, when Old Man Warner said, “there has been a lottery”. The town people accepted the lottery because there has always been a lottery every year. Tradition is upheld because they want to introduce the younger generation to the tradition. In “ A Rose for Emily” the tradition of repression is shown in many ways. The tradition was that women should be married. But Emily does not get courted by anyone. In the short story “A Rose for Emily” her father did not want her to be involved with anyone, so she might be very repressed because she couldn’t have friends. Since Emily did not participate in the tradition of marriage, the town people were looking at her like maybe she was not normal.That shows repression, as Emily was not getting treated like everyone. This relates to the real world because many people celebrate traditions that repress women. For instance, many women are expected to marry at a specific age. If they did not get married, people might start to ask questions. The unmarried woman might feel excluded in the tradition going on which might turn into …show more content…

Both stories “ Hills like White Elephants” and “ A Rose For Emily” have two women who are repressed by their life circumstances. Jig is desperate but her repression is not born of loneliness. Her repression is the result of religion because she gets pregnant before getting married. The tradition of the lottery is analogous to religious tradition because it is passed on at early age, of people who live in the society. For example Tessie Hutchinson son Davy Hutchinson is taught about the lottery and why his mother got stoned. It relates to the real world because some people use religious tradition as a way to oppress women. For example, Boko Haram in West Africa taking girls from school so they can believe in their tradition, marry them and them not having any

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