
The Movie Crash Essay

Decent Essays

Paul Haggis creator of the film, Crash, creatively weaves racism into the everyday lives of average American citizens. The people portrayed in the film experience inequality and racial prejudice at every turn. Whether they are the person being racist or the person being discriminated against all the characters have a unique role to play. In the film, a wealthy, educated woman by the name of Jean Cabot, has problems trust and humanity issues with people of different races. In the film, she discriminates against people because of who she believes they are affiliated with and people who do not share the same social status as she does. First, Mrs. Cabot’s story begins with her and her husband, Rick, are enjoying an evening stroll. As they walk through the city two young black men, Anthony and Peter, are walking down the same street. Mrs. Cabot notices the two black men and instinctively grabs Rick's arm for safety. Anthony takes it as a racial gesture, and him and his friend draw handguns and instruct Mr. and Mrs. Cabot to hand the car keys to them. Anthony and Peter take the Cabot’s vehicle and off into the night they go. At this point in the story, Mrs. Cabot has a …show more content…

Cabot comes home to find the police at her aid. In addition, a locksmith, named Daniel, is changing the locks as an extra precaution. She then noticed that Daniel is Hispanic and views him as a gang member. She quickly demands that the locks be changed again the next day. She claims that he will copy the set of keys and sell it to his friends who will later vandalize their home. As a result of her outburst her husband insists that she calm down and try to get some sleep. The locksmith finishes up and having overheard her comments purposely lays two sets of keys on the counter for her to see. In this scene, she is speaking out of fear, and from past experience. However, she needs to take into consideration that Daniel is human and is only trying to do his

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