
The NASW Code Of Ethics

Decent Essays

The NASW Code of Ethics is the guideline for social workers in regards to professional conduct and practice. The Code of Ethics is divided into four parts: “The Preamble,” “Purpose of the NASW Code of Ethics,” “Ethical Principles,” and “Ethical Standards.” These sections educate social workers on what their mission is, and how they complete that mission with true morality. Within the Code, there are six values presented which are also used in regards to helping and practicing with clients honorably. These six values are: service, social justice, dignity and worth, importance of human relationships, integrity, and competence. These six values are the principles that drive social work practice, and are used by social workers everyday. The first value in the Code of Ethics is service. Personally, I believe this is one of the values that basically sums up social work. As a social worker, this value describes how one must help their client. By helping their client, they address obstacles that their client may be facing and help the client find the best available resources to assist them. Second, social justice is the next value described in the Code. This value describes what topics social workers focus on and work with. These can be topics regarding inequality, individuals living below the poverty line, health care, gender inequality and education. Social Workers strive to aid these issues and help clients who are facing these issues.
The third value is dignity and worth of a person. This is one value that has been stressed in my social work classes. In my social work practice class, we recently read a novel titled The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down. Dignity and worth of a person, was one value that I witnessed while reading this novel. The characters were from another country and had beliefs that were not considered “ideal” to society, and there were times that they were not given the best resources and care because of these beliefs. Dignity and self worth is a huge value to have when dealing with clients who may not have the same views and beliefs as you. It is important to be ethical and respectful when dealing with clients no matter what religion, socioeconomic status, gender, or race they are.

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