
The Negative Effects Of Homework

Good Essays

The struggle students, parents, and teachers face with homework has remained problematic for many generations. Some educators and parents will argue that it is necessary and helpful to the students when it comes to their academic achievement, but most students will argue that it is not as effective as it seems. In fact, homework has been a key element in the education of students since their first year of school. As students get into higher grades the amount of work they are assigned becomes increasingly difficult and can become too much for them to handle, which is the case for many high school students. The excessive amount of homework high school students receive has led many of them to have stress, thus resulting in the …show more content…

Though this is recommended for teachers to follow, the study “Nonacademic Effects of Homework in Privileged, High-Performing High Schools” found that students would receive more than 3 hours of homework daily leading them to have stress, physical health issues, and an imbalance in their daily lives (8).
Stress Caused by Homework
The word “stress” usually has a negative connotation when it is brought up, however, there is such thing as healthy stress. According to the APA, stress is our body’s natural alarm system that helps us prepare for “fight or flight” situations, but when this stress is prolonged it can become chronic stress (6). An example of a situation when natural stress occurs is when we are faced with a natural predator. Our body must make the decision to either stay and fight against the predator or prepare itself to run away. In a study done by NYU, a prestigious creditable university, it was found that chronic stress is growing among many young students to the point where their health is put at risk because of the amount of homework assigned. The study also shows that the chronic stress translates into their college years and can cause long-lasting problems as they become adults (6). More than half of the students in a study done by Denise Pope, an education scholar at Stanford, stated that homework was the main cause of stress they experienced. With homework causing this much stress on multiple

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