
The Opening Scene to Baz Lurhman's Romeo and Juliet Essay

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The Opening Scene to Baz Lurhman's Romeo and Juliet The play Romeo and Juliet is set in the Italian city of Verona, it is about a blood feud between two families called the Montague's and the capulet's. Two people from the Montagues and Capulets fall in love and only when they die will the fighting between the two families come to an end. The opening scene to Romeo and Juliet is set in a public place in Verona it starts with two servants of the Capulet family armed with swords. They are ready to fight with anybody from the house of Montague. Soon afterward two servants of the Montague household enter and they begin to fight. The fight temporarily ends when Benvolio appears and beats down …show more content…

The play scripts opening scene is not as effective because it does not have special effects and it is not as exciting as the movies opening scene. The opening scene to the movie is modern for example they use guns instead of swords. Baz Lurhmans Romeo and Juliet was designed for a younger audience it is action packed and modern this is just right for keeping a young audience interested in the film. Guns are modern so they are more likely to appeal to a younger audience. The opening scene has old English in a modern background this helps people to understand the old English better. When you see some of the characters in the opening scene you can see that they their own interesting personality that make the opening scene all the more interesting to watch. You can instantly see the hatred between the two families when they first see each other. The Montague's have an intense instant reaction when the see the Capulets they both show the family symbols and from then on you know that the families have a serious problem with one another. From watching the opening scene you can see how much pride the two families have and how they want to be more powerful than the other. From the opening scene you can see how much it would affect the families

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