
The Pedestrian Movie And Book Comparison

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The PBS article on film adaptation discusses the challenges of adopting a novel into a film and the changes film makers must make. Most of these novels that are being read in schools are being made into movies. In these movies though, the narrator disappears in the movies which is a main factor of a book because they would show many characteristics about a character. The great thing about movies is that instead of a narrator, everybody can see the emotions on the characters faces and explains what the character goes through. For example, in the film “The Pedestrian” instead of having a narrator the creator of the film added another character in to show their feeling and emotions and others(Bollinger). Film is limited in many aspects as in …show more content…

First off, both of them take place in the future which sets the series of events for the rest of the story’s. The story’s take place in the early 2050’s and instead of there being all these high tech things for people to use, there is just a TV screen that everybody sits in front of (Bradbury 47). That explains the next similarity which is that everybody sits inside all the time. Mead is really the only person who walks outside at night but in the story it’s ok but in the film he’s not supposed to be outside. Therefore these stories are similar but it’s the differences that make these stories even more …show more content…

First, in the story Mead is walking on the street just to walk because he is allowed to but unlike in the film he is not allowed to walk on the street. While walking closer to his house he was “stunned by the illumination” of lights that shined upon him(Bradbury 49), But in the film he would try an avoid any lights that would shine on him. Mead, in the story is standing there just illuminated by the lights but unlike in the film he would not get near the lights because if he did he would be caught by the police. Another difference that affects the theme is that he is walking alone in the story but in the film he is walking with his friend Bob. Mead wants Bob to go on the walk with him because he wants him to experience the outside world instead of staying all cooped up in his home(Bollinger). Unlike in the story Mead wants to get his friend in the film outside to show him what he is missing. These differences in the story and film “The Pedestrian” show a dramatic changes in each of the

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