
The Persian Invasion Of Greece

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Persia was a small kingdom until 539 B.C. when King Cyrus decided to expand its borders. After conquering about 8 million square kilometers over the span of Asia, Europe and Africa, the Persian Empire became the largest empire in the world. During this time of Persia’s large reign, the city of Ionia revolted against Persian rule and the cities of Athens and Eretria supported them in this revolt. In response, Persia, now led by King Darius, decided to punish Athens and Eretria for their support in the revolt. Darius also saw this as an opportunity to further extend the Persian Empire into Europe. This led to the First Persian Invasion of Greece, which had two distinct campaigns beginning in 492 B.C. and ending in 490 B.C. The first campaign of the Persian invasion was led by Mardonius, and allowed Persia to reconquer the area of Thrace, as well as capture the area of Macedon. Hopes of progressing after these captures were lost when Mardonius’s fleet wrecked in a storm. A year later in 491 B.C., King Darius ordered ambassadors to go to all parts of Greece to get their submission which he got from all of Greece, except Athens and Sparta, who killed the visiting ambassadors. This ultimately led to what would be the second campaign of the Persian invasion. The second campaign beginning in 490 B.C. was led by Datis and Artaphernes, who were able to capture all of the Cycladic Islands before reaching Eretria, which they eventually captured and enslaved all of its people. The

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