
The Presidency Of Thomas Jefferson

Decent Essays

Aaron Hoye
POLS 136 Tuesday Class
In Review- The Presidency of Thomas Jefferson
If you lived as an educated American in the early nineteenth century, being rated for competence in office at such an early point in the history of the nation of America must have looked very different from how it does today. Thomas Jefferson, the third President of the United States of America, served from 1801-1809. Being the virtual founder of the Democratic-Republican party that he was, he vehemently opposed the popular Federalists of his time, and vice versa. There were reasons for why he opposed the Federalists- not only being a major contributor to the basic fibers of America as one of it 's Founding Fathers, Jefferson was a man and a President who truly understood democracy 's goal and spirit, and ultimately he believed that the Federalists did not. His love of democracy and liberty holds true, even in spite of his choice to own slaves, a practice that went directly against the grain of the words he wrote with his own hand, that "...all men are created equal." Often the lives of great men contain deeds of theirs that do not measure up to their overall character. This could definitely be said of Thomas Jefferson, who was indeed a great President, in spite of being a man with some conflicted principles.

The political landscape of Jefferson 's time was a colorful one, and the elective structure of the federal government was different from how it is today. The runner-up in the Presidential

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