
The Pros And Cons Of Extraterrestrial Life

Decent Essays

One of the most prominent and controversial topics related to astronomy is whether or not there is life outside of our planet. This isn’t necessary an issue, but rather a question that has confounded me my whole life and what initially inspired me to take this class. This question has driven people to question our place in the universe all throughout history, and as best said by Neil deGrasse Tyson, “The time-honored question: “What is our place in the universe” might just be genetically encoded in our species” (Tyson, 2003). Personally, I think it is ignorant to assume we are the only living intelligent life in our universe due to its vastness and endless possibilities; however, research hasn’t proven much yet.
To begin, I want to first define extraterrestrial life, as there are many definitions and part of what contributes to extraterrestrial life controversy. According to Nola Taylor Redd in the article SETI & The Search for Intelligent Life, extraterrestrial life can roughly be categorized into two groups: the first category is life itself, which includes microorganisms and other simple forms, and the second group includes intelligent life. Intelligent life can simply be defined as life forms that originates anywhere outside of Earth; however, this definition still feels a little broad and doesn’t exactly provide a clear idea of intelligent extraterrestrial life. In the article Extraterrestrial Intelligence: Hypothetical Life Form, Seth Shostak defines extraterrestrial

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