
The Pros And Cons Of Reconstruction After The Civil War

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Reconstruction was the period after the Civil War. During this period, the U.S faced many challenges such as how to reunite the North and the South and put the Civil War behind us. In addition, the nation needed to address the status of four million freed slaves by granting them citizenship, and protecting their citizenship rights. As years passed, many historians went back and forth of whether or not Congress was a success for the freedmen, or a total blowout. These pieces of evidence concludes that the Congress’ Reconstruction was unfortunately a failure for the freedmen rights. For starters, republicans, for a while, had control over major government positions which helped the African Americans. However, stated in document 3, “…Congress has passed an amnesty act, which restored the right of office-holding [and voting] to vast majority who have been disqualified…” The “majority who have been disqualified” the text is referring to are the white southerners who were in the former Confederate states. Doing this, the only good exception is that the south is finally being unpunished for the Civil War, and the United States can possibly come together again as one. Other than that, passing an Amnesty Act was nothing but unfolding trouble for the freed slaves. Once southern democrats have the power to vote again and become congressmen, they will rip apart the stitching the republicans created to help the freedmen, and will try to restore white supremacy throughout the U.S.

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