
The Protestant Reformation: Greatest Turning Points In European History

Decent Essays

The Protestant Reformation
Kyle R Murray
Columbia Southern University Between the years of 1517-1648 is said to be the one of the greatest turning points in European History. That was due to the Protestant Reformation. This was considered the 16th Century religious, political, intellectual, and cultural change that caused break up in European Catholic Church. That set in place the structures and beliefs that would define the continent in modern era. The Protestant Reformation created the different Protestant denominations we know today. Had it not been for the reformation our eyes may not have ever been opened to the new faith based beliefs developed by the reformers. Many questioned the Catholic Church’s ability to define Christian …show more content…

The new religious and political freedoms for Northern Europe came at great cost, which followed with decades of wars and bloody persecutions. The cost of forty percent of Germany’s population may have come from the Thirty Year’s war (Rittgers, 2013). The results and change of the Reformation was that it profoundly affected that of modern view of politics and law. The Reformation gave us the Bible that is now available in several different languages, such as English. The influence of Reformation on today’s society is a very pervasive one. It changed our thinking on family, the economy, working, theology, sex, sexuality, and more are all apart of the reflections and influences of Reformation. While these thought have changed dramatically since the Reformation, it could be argued that Reformation did lay the groundwork for exploration. Religion would play a different role in our lives or the lives of the average person. We have more churches today than there ever was many years ago. We have greater access to the Bible and scripture writings in many languages. This is all because of the Reformation and those that decided to Reform. Had it not been for great men like Luther and Calvin our modern day religious beliefs could be much different. These men paved the way for how it is

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