
The Quiz On Terms Of Party Alignment Was The Democratic Party

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The results on the quiz in terms of party alignment was the Democratic Party. The quiz showed I was in agreement with the Democratic Party more than the other parties with a match of 87%. I also had high percentages in the Green Party, Libertarians, and the Constitution Party. The reason I have high percentages for the other parties as well is because they all have different views on all the different issues and how they approach the problems, so I agree with some of the issues they are for or against or even what they are doing to be for or against them. I was not expecting to get the results of being more in agreement to the Democratic Party for many reasons. I was surprised because my family is more a part of the Republican Party and …show more content…

After doing the quiz I can see the issues on the oil industry and the military that need to be dealt with. These issues are important in whole, but personally to me they are not the most important issues to take care of first. The issues I feel are more important are personal to me or are important to the people who are close to me who have maybe gone through or dealt with some of these issues. Overall on the issue of abortion rights, Democrats are pro-choice. This issue was thought to be resolved by Supreme Court in the case of Roe v. Wade. No matter if abortion is illegal or not, women will do what they want concerning their bodies even if that means going to an underground abortion operation, which in most cases are botched and the woman having the unbelievably dangerous procedure dies. The Roe v. Wade case, Supreme Court thought out a legal balance between the rights of women and also the rights of the developing fetuses. A couple of these legal balances; Before a fetus can live outside the womb, which is the 1st and 2nd trimester, or 6 months, women have a right to choose whether to abort or not, and after a fetus is viable, states may prohibit all abortions, as long as they make exceptions where a woman 's life or health are in danger (). In some nations early abortion is legal where certain religions predominate. Democrats respect the views of others who believe it is immoral and is very over to debate over the issue.

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