
The Quotes From Winston 's Diary

Decent Essays

The quote from Winston’s diary in 1984 illustrates the acts of rebellion he has towards the “totalitarian” government in Oceania. Winston’s urge to challenge the political regime that rules the all of Airstrip One, as he sometimes, have the flash back from the past and through his fantasies, he envision the future without the totalitarian government. Winston, however, is craving for freedom of being in a world where people are not being watched, and where they can act, feel and do whatever they desire. As mentioned in the Sparknote Editors’ summary of 1984 that the history shows “Oceania has always been at war with Eurasia and in alliance with Eastasia, but Winston knows that the records have been changed. Winston remembers that no one had heard of Big Brother, the leader of the Party, before 1960 …” (1; bk. 1). This past in Winston’s mind strengthens his mind to rebel and refuse to be convinced by the Big Brother. In reference to the future, Winston’s fantasies of having total control of his life, which then lead to “dreams of a place called The Golden Country, where the dark-haired girl takes off her clothes and runs toward him in an act of freedom that annihilates the whole Party” (1; bk. 1). The past and future in Winston’s quote contribute to the factor that strengthens his urge to rebel, which then lead to his journaling as a way to expressing his repressed emotions. In addition, Winston wishes a world where people could count on each other, provide support to each

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