
The Responsibility Of Planned Parenthood

Decent Essays

Have you ever wanted a child? For those that are not dealing with pregnancy, this is a very simple question, that can be answered with only a, “Yeah, having one wold be neat in the future,” or, “No thanks, I don’t really like kids,” But what about those that are pregnant? Having this question of whether or not someone truly wants a child or not can be very complicated for those that maybe aren’t financially stable, have been sexually assaulted and the child is a result of that, or maybe, its just that the person isn’t ready. For those that are not equipped for such a task of responsibility, what would they do? There are several possible options that could be done for those that do not want to have children, or for those that are pregnant but …show more content…

Planned Parenthood, from what they have stated, is, “Planned Parenthood is America’s most trusted provider of reproductive health care,” and they (Planned Parenthood) have also stated that, “Our skilled health care professionals are dedicated to offering men, women, and teens high-quality, affordable medical care.” What that basically means is that they offer types of contraception, give abortions, and offer information about Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD’s). What they do can help those that are not ready for children, and give forms of contraception for all sexes, and if need be, give abortions. Because they give abortions, in the United States, they are a very controversial organization to talk …show more content…

Based off of a BBC report of the tragedy, “The suspect in a deadly gun attack on a Colorado family planning clinic said "no more baby parts" during his arrest, US media report.” It is also “But we now have a hint, in the reported words of the suspect as he was arrested, "no more baby parts". That could refer to a campaign against the clinic's operators, Planned Parenthood, by opponents of abortion who have highlighted its role in providing foetal tissue in research.” What video is this man talking about you may be asking? This is in regard to a previously released video of a person who works within Planned Parenthood, who in the video was selling aborted fetuses. But according to Dave Levitan, who wrote an article for about the video, has stated that the video in which he’s speaking about was actually edited, and has stated this about the video, “At one point in the unedited video (which was also released by the group), Nucatola says: “Affiliates are not looking to make money by doing this. They’re looking to serve their patients and just make it not impact their bottom line.”” Having such a terrible event, such as a shooting, happen over a possibly edited video is something that should not be done, and although the process of having an abortion is controversial, it does

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