
The Role Of Racial Inequality In America

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Lately in the news there has been an uprising of racial tragic events. From globally seeing ISIS attack different countries and in America the sensitivity of racial inequality amongst Black Lives Matter. Recently this past month we have witnessed the saddening news of racial inequality in America. With Sterling and Castile, the two black men who were shot and killed by white police officers in separate scenes. Where their deaths sparked protests across the nation pressuring for America to have police reform(Nelson, USA Today, 2016). Or a black gunman who targeted white police officers during a Dallas protest. There has been an arising uproar in America for racial change and equality. This past Sunday on July 10 in Baton Rouge, Louisiana three officers were killed by Gavin Long. …show more content…

His intentions were that he was angry and frustrated at the state of police officers killing innocent black men. This shows that today America is sensitive to the shootings happening and people are acting out on it. Here, there is social structure which is the patterns that are supposed to help have similar behavior in (O’malley, week 4). Microstructure can be as small as the decision Long made to plan and shoot these officers as for the macrostructure can be the larger picture of how media is conveying the racial biased that is happening to the recent black men shootings. Overall, the culture of what America is leading to toward these incidents has sparked and impacted others to take charge of these racial

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