
The Similarities Between Laurie And Charles, By Shirley Jackson

Decent Essays

Laurie and Charles are the same person! Shirley Jackson composed a short story titled “Charles”. Laurie is a new kindergarten student and newly older brother. This story took place in the 1950s and the various locations are Laurie’s home and school. Laurie did not adjust well to kindergarten. He suspired for attention from his parents. With the arrival of his new sibling, Laurie created difficulties with his classmates and teacher. Not receiving enough attention at home, Laurie desired attention at school. A couple of days into kindergarten, Laurie’s mindset changed. Arriving at his house, he told stories about a boy in his class. The boy’s name was Charles. “Charles bounced a see-saw on to the head of a little girl” (S. Jackson 346). However, his parents did not know he was Charles. This was how Laurie managed to hide …show more content…

The PTA meeting was coming up so Charles became an excellent student. He assisted the teacher pass put crayons and became a favorable helper to his teacher. Charles knew if he acted amiable before the meeting his name would not be mentioned by his teacher to his mother. On the other hand, he “said the evil word himself” (349). He still continued his unacceptable behavior and had a girl in his class’ mouth was cleansed with soap for saying the same bad word. Charles was a disruptive child that was smart enough to avoid being caught at the PTA meeting. Kindergarten was an arduous transition for Laurie. During the first weeks of school, Charles hit a girl in the head with a see-saw, stated dreadful words and had his mouth cleansed with soap, and became a pleasant helper for the teacher. Charles committed these kindergarten crimes because he wanted to be noticed by someone. In fact, that is why he misbehaved. All Charles wanted was attention and that is what he gained. Laurie’s mother figured out at the PTA meeting that Charles never existed. In other words, Charles is Laurie and always has

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