
Examples Of Determinism In The Truman Show

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The Issue of God and Free Will/Determinism in The Truman Show
The Truman Show is a movie about a television show staring Truman Burbank, an average, ordinary man who has no clue that he is the star of a television show. His entire existence is within a giant dome, and all the people in the small town are actors, including his best friend, mom, dad, and wife. Overseeing this giant production is “The Truman Show” creator, director and screenwriter, Christof. Immediately, we can see that the movie is clearly a retelling of “The Allegory of the Cave”. Moreover, it explains the dilemma of free will and determinism, and giver a visual for the common contemporary view of God. Before addressing the dilemma of free will and determinism, we need to look at Christof’s role in Truman’s life.
To begin with, Christof’s character is an obvious portrayal of God in Truman’s life, but more specifically that of a theistic God. As I mentioned before, Christof was the man who came up with the idea of “The Truman Show”. He designed everything about the dome, including the aesthetic of the town of Seahaven, where the cameras would be located and so on. If he had left it at that he would be a deistic God, but throughout the film, we see that Christof is much more involved in Truman’s life. Christof was the one who decided that Truman’s dad should “die” when he is a child, that Truman was going to marry Meryl, that Meryl was going to break up with him, and who Truman was going to start dating

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