
The Truth About Self Driving Cars

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The Truth about Self Driving Cars Dustin Wolff 912365150 ECS 15, Fall Quarter, Professor Liu December 1st 2014 Dustin Wolff Professor Liu ECS 15 15 November 2014 Truth about Autonomous Cars Vehicles that drive themselves is a concept that is often thought about in futuristic movies or science fiction novels. Throughout, history mankind has been fascinated with robots and cars that could work without humans. Advanced technology is getting closer to making these futuristic ideas the real thing. Living in an advanced technological time would society be ready for this to happen and how far away is this from becoming a reality? One of the biggest challenges facing autonomous cars is legal issues. As of right now computer technology and artificial intelligence face numerous legal battles. Most people have heard of the technology that Google is creating in an attempt to make a “driver-less” car. As the technology gets more attention in the news Google’s driverless car has become a very opinionated and sensitive topic. People often ask questions like “What if Google’s car hit someone? Who would be at fault for the accident Google or the owner of the car?” These questions are currently being debated at the state and federal levels. As of right now states are actively seeking to regulate autonomous cars much more than the federal government is. Currently only California, Florida, Nevada and the District of Columbia have successfully created

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