
The Worn Path By Thomas Hardy Analysis

Decent Essays

The theme for the passage and the poem is that they are starving and they make soup out of items that are not usually used for food, like a stone and a nail. In the passage it states “He filled it with water and put it on the fire, and then he blew with all his might until the fire was burning fiercely all around it. Then he took a 4-inch nail from his pocket, turned it three times in his hand, and put it in the pot.” that tells me that the man took a nail out of his pocket which is an item that most people would not normally try to use for food, and put it into the pot. In the poem it states “To the creek the men marched out, “Soup from a stone” the town heard a shout, Fire, water, and a polished stone, it boiled, it cracked empty alone, …show more content…

So they used nails and stones. In the passage it states “He now made himself very agreeable, of course, he asked in his most insinuating manner for something to eat….”Poor lady, you must be starving,” he said. “Well, well, I suppose I shall have to ask to have something with me then.” that tells me that they are both starving and longing for something to eat, but since they are in the woods they have nothing to eat. In the middle of the passage they got the man got the nail out of his pocket and dropped it into the pot to make a broth. In the passage it states “Then he took a 4-inch nail from his pocket, turned it three times in his hand, and put it into the pot.” that tells me that they got an item that they could use to make the food. At the end of the passage the women is thankful that she now knows how to make food out of an item that you might be able to find in the woods or at your house. In the passage it states “And thanks, many thanks, for what you have taught me,” she said. “Now I shall live in comfort, since I have learned to make broth with a nail.” that tells me that she is very thankful to be able to learn to be able to live even in scarce conditions. She went from complaining because she doesn’t have any food but now she is thankful since she learned how to make

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