
There Doesn T Have No Homework In Schools

Satisfactory Essays

Students who always do their homework are more successful in life than the ones who never do their homework. Studies show that homework has great advantages for students. Schools should not do away with homework because students excel when homework is mandatory, and they are given extra homework. One reason schools should not do away homework is it helps students succeed when it is mandatory. A high school in Texas stops counting homework assignments as a part of student's grades and "[...] over half of the students [are] failing one or more classes" (Graham). If every high school stops counting homework assignments, one can imagine the negative impact on student performance. However, a research conducted by Harris Cooper, a Duke University professor, reveals, "Middle and high school students see gains beyond one-and-a-half to 2 hours mandatory homework per night" (Mangione). Student performance increases as they are given mandatory homework, proving how homework can be effective in improving learning and building good study habits. Assigning and completing mandatory homework is the only way that helps students with their academic performance. …show more content…

According to a study completed by Mark Schneider, "a more rigorous curriculum pays off with higher NAEP science and math scores" (Schneider). The tougher the courses and the more amount of homework given, the higher the test scores. Furthermore, a study of global homework patterns suggests that "[...] students who do 30 minutes to an hour and a half of homework per night have higher test scores" ("Global Homework Practices"). There's a positive relationship between higher homework amounts and student achievement. Both of these evidences clearly prove the fact that extra homework does improve academic

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