
There Was Not A Dark Age Dbq

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During the 400-1400 CE, there were barbarians and Vikings that killed many people, plagues that were fatal, and cruelty that was all around. Yet that wasn’t the only things that happened. A dark age is a time of cultural decline. In spite of the cruelty, there were many good things like a judicial system, schools and education, and architectural advancements in gothic cathedrals. These cultural advancements show that this era is not a dark age. One of the reasons, this time period was not a dark age was because there were laws that people had to follow. In this passage, it states that “concerning false money, we have order that he who has been proved to have made it shall have his hand cut off.” (Doc D) This means that the government had some control of the people. Yet the punishment was unfair and cruel it stated that “he who does not obey this if he is free, shall pay sixty solidi; if he serf, let him have sixty lashes.”(Doc D) These measures were cruel and not necessary, but it most likely did the job of showing that counterfeiting was not acceptable and that they would take action. This information proves that this time wasn’t a dark age since they had a government that took care of business and wasn’t corrupted. …show more content…

A person who is a great example of this is a monk named Richer. He was invited to study in Chartres with Heribrand, an expert in pharmaceutics, botany and surgery. Richer also studied Aphorism with Hippocrates. Although there were many universities in early 11th century, it was a privilege to attend and was for the brighter and wealthy. to clarify, if a dark age is defined as a time of cultural decline, famine, and disease, then there wouldn't have been educated and people wouldn't be

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