
This Morning, This Evening, so Soon

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On the eve of the narrator and his family 's departure for the United States after twelve years of residence in Paris, the narrator is being chided by his wife and visiting sister about his nightmares. He is worried about his return to the racist United States after such a long absence and what effect it will have on his multiracial family and his career.
“This Morning, This Evening, So Soon,” concerns a black American expatriate living in Paris during the late 1950s. He has lived there for many years, marrying a white Swedish woman whom he met there, and fathering a son with her. He has even established a successful career in France as an actor and singer, and he is recognized as a celebrity wherever he goes. But now he has been invited …show more content…

The narrator is caught between his freedom and success in Paris and his past, marred by racism, which he is again about to confront. Using the flashback episode as an example of what he expects on his return, the narrator details the horrible feelings of helplessness and hatred generated by racist behavior. His family in the United States experienced prejudice firsthand and it damaged them forever. His father 's and sister 's lives were destroyed by racism, and the narrator escaped to France to avoid the same fate. Now famous, he must come to terms with his expatriate status, and find a way for his son to live without the same scars of racism.
The narrator also doubts that his identity as a black actor and singer has any validity in the United States. Having become famous in France for singing the blues, he fears ridicule in his own country, which often denigrates black creations. Coupled with this fear of failure is his suspicion of success. Fame has brought recognition, but not peace. The final section of the story deals with this conflict when the narrator is confronted by the African American tourists and finds himself absorbed into their circle. When Boona is accused of stealing, the narrator is caught between commitment to his fellow countryman and loyalty to his old, but less than honest, friend. A similar conflict is expressed in his loyalty to the French, which is strained by their colonial war. The story ends without

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