
Thomas Jefferson DBQ

Decent Essays

QUESTIONS: First SMAART the document then…

1. Jefferson is considered one of America's greatest writers. His inaugural address was filled with beautifully constructed thoughts, well expressed. Several phrases are still quoted today: "entangling alliances"; "every difference of opinion is not a difference of principle"; and "we are all Republicans, we are all Federalists." Consider the historical context of each of these three phrases and discuss the meanings behind them.

The quote “entangling alliances” relates to the foreign relations of the country. The country had just broken from the abusive power of England and so Jefferson advised a cautious and isolated foreign policy. Also, the statement “every difference of opinion is not a difference …show more content…

Its states that a good government does not take the earnings of laborers. The Federalists did not support an economy based farming, so Jefferson was about to prevent Federalists from taking from local farmers by denying William Marbury into the Supreme Court. Also, his support of the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions helped against the Alien and Sedition Acts. A number of immigrants became farmers, so by opposing the Acts, Jefferson supported agriculture.
4. Jefferson acknowledged the audience, Congress, in his inaugural speech. He also referred to George Washington ("our first and greatest revolutionary character"). Did he mention his predecessor, John Adams? Did he refer to Adams's policies? What do you make of this?
John Adams is not directly mentioned, however his policies are referenced through his oppression of immigrants. Jefferson states, “minority possesses their equal rights, which equal law must protect, and to violate would be oppression” which references the abuse of power caused by John Adams’ Alien and Sedition Acts. This supports himself as well as his political party, Democratic-Republicans, because it shows the wrongs of the opposing party, Federalists. So, this reference can be assumed as only another to further gain support for the …show more content…

The document holds historical value as a result of its context. Within the fourth paragraph he states, “it is proper you should understand what I deem the essential principles of our government, and consequently those which ought to shape its administration…stating the general principle” and follows with a list of all of his political beliefs. This is historically valuable because it presents the political opinions of Jefferson through his own words. Also, the document serves the purpose of addressing the people. This is valuable because it shows that Jefferson had to appeal to the people of the nation while giving this speech. So, it can be assumed that he kept this in mind while preparing the

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