
Thomas Paine : Common Sense As A Historical Source

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In 1776, a young man who had been unsuccessful for most of his life, Thomas Paine published the pamphlet Common Sense. The pamphlet persuaded the colonists to declare independence from England, and take up arms in the Revolutionary War. Common Sense was highly effective in motivating the colonists to permanently separate from England and form a new nation. In American history, Thomas Paine became known as one our founding fathers. Paine’s influence on American history is vastly significant, and remnants of that influence continues to be an aspect of our nation today. When analyzing Common Sense as a historical source, it can be seen that Paine utilizes the rhetorical appeals of ethos and logos to gain support for independence from England, and support for liberation from the hereditary succession in a monarchy. In order for Common Sense to be successful, it had to be able to reach a vast and diverse audience. Meaning, the ideas that Paine had needed to be conveyed to both farmers and scholars. Paine accomplished this by writing Common Sense in a way that sounded like a sermon when read aloud. By writing Common Sense in that manner it created an ethos appeal. During that era, people looked to their religious leaders for guidance, and to the bible to help shape their opinions about government and political affairs. It wasn’t uncommon for people to make a strong biblical connection with their political belief. Since Common Sense could be preached to people, it became a

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