
Toni Cade Bambara The Lesson Analysis

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Everybody in the world faced many changes as they gets older and as well as the way they see things in nature. It started with innocent life to evil or dark side. Childhood experience are unforgettable because it is where the innocent experience takes place. In childhood life, there are no worries and usually most children depends on parents so it is hard to understand the real world for them. Therefore, they thinks the world is perfect, yet they do not know what life will brings in the future. In the articles “The Lesson” written by Toni Cade Bambara and “The Flowers” written by Alice Walker both shows an analysis of both stories inform the readers that innocence will fracture sooner or later. Both the stories realized the real world at the end of the stories but Myop perceived it by stepping on the dead body while Sylvia learned it through observing. …show more content…

When the kids saw “microscope,” they find it really interesting and wants it until they saw the price. It was so expensive for their level and mentioned that it will take “too long” for them to save their allowances when “she ask how long’d take for Big Butt and Junebug to save up their allowances.”(Bambara, 1144) This shows that people lives in different world within the world that we all are living in. Some people have money enough to buy almost everything that they want but some can not even provide for what they need for living. The kids stuck within innocence life until they clearly able to separate between rich and poor after seeing expensive things; comparing the cost of their toys with what they saw at the toy store which is Miss Moore goals for bringing them there. So that even though they are innocent children, they must realize the world they live in and understand living

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