
Top Five Personal Values Essay

Decent Essays

Values are intangible things that are important to us, and that guide us, individually, to make decisions. Each person has a different set of values, morals, and ethics, which is the reason that each person handles a situation differently. Here, I will discuss my top 5 values, and why they are important to me.
The one thing that I regard as most valuable is my religion – Christianity. I truly cherish the ability to communicate to God through prayer, because I believe that it is a very powerful phenomenon. The example Jesus set for us when he was on this planet is another incredible thing; while reaching the level of perfection that He did is impossible, his standard gives me motivation to do good in the world and to be a catalyst for …show more content…

They teach me how I should serve and love others, by setting an excellent example of kindliness and enthusiasm. A family atmosphere is one of cooperation, support, and reassurance. Therefore, they give me strength and guidance to do everything well, without regret. My friends are extremely similar; they are lights in the dark and constant helpers in difficult circumstances. They, too, often help point me in the right direction, and offer suggestions to better me in any way they can.
Unfortunately, the way that the world functions is that some are better off than others, which is why I value being able to help people. The Bible gives us a difficult challenge – to, as often as possible, stop thinking about ourselves and put the needs of others before our own. While this can be difficult to do because it often involves self-sacrifice, it is always worth any expended effort because, as Jesus said, when we serve our neighbor, we also serve Him. Aiding others in their situations may not always be the “easy way out” or the “cool” thing to do, but that is the beauty of the action – often, there is no better feeling than to lay down all your personal concerns to help somebody else.
The value of freedom can sometimes be difficult to appreciate – when we live in such a great country, we tend to put a “bubble” around ourselves that prevents us from realizing the ways in which others are oppressed. However, the right to creatively express

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