
Transportation, Communication, And Manufacturing Essay

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Because of the expansion of population and economy, the need for trade and supply also expanded. So America developed their means of transportation, communication, and manufacturing. One example of that would be steam power more specifically, Steamboats.

The industrial revolution (1760 to about 1830) was the era of new manufactoring techniques, and when many innovations took place. The era of the steamboat began in America in 1787, during the Industrial Revolution. But before the Industrial Revolution, there was Thomas Savery who patented the first steam engine in 1698. Then, came Thomas Newcomen who improved Savery’s design, and lastly, it wasn 't until James Watt improved the steam engine in the second half of the 18th century that it became such a significant machine, that took part in the Industrial Revolution. After, John Fitch (left) made the first successful trial of a forty-five-foot steamboat on the Delaware River. John Fitch was most famous for operating the first steamboat service in the United States. His steamboats demonstrated the usage of steam for water transportation.

Steamboats were significant because they played a big factor in America’s trading and transportation of people and goods, from one place to another and no longer needed (man) muscle to do it. They revolutionized water travel and trade. Also, later in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries Steam-powered boats played an important role in the expansion of the United States to the west.

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