
Travel Destination Of Dubai Tourist Destination Essay

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Table of Contents
Introduction 3
Task 1- Understand the scope (size) of key UK and worldwide tourist destinations 3
a) Analyze leading tourist destination of Dubai in order to understand its scope and success. 3
Explain how it generates (makes) its income. 4
Explain the types of tourist groups the destination attracts, where they come from and total annual visitors to the destination 4
b) Using statistical information from institutions such as, the Office of National Statistic and UNWTO, discuss the current and future trends of leading tourist destination of Dubai. 5
Task 2 – Understanding how the features and characteristic of tourist destination affects their appeal to tourist. 6
a. Compare the cultural, social and physical features of Dubai tourist destination 7
b) Analyze how the features of Dubai destination and the appeals to different individual and visitors groups. 8
c) Compare the different characteristics of the TWO destinations used above. The comparison must include economic, social, physical and political characteristics. 8
d) Assess the positive and negative impact of the characteristics identified above on Dubai destination appeal to tourists. 10
Task 3- Understand issues likely to affect the popularity of tourist destinations. 11
a) Using either leading or developing tourist destination of Dubai & examine how issues such as climate change, sustainability, natural disaster can affect their popularity. 11
b) Discuss the measures that can be

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