
Treatment is More Effective Than Jail for Drug Offenders Essay

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One of the most profound problems that plagues our society is drug addiction. With drug addiction comes those who offend and have run-ins with the law. Our country deals with these drug-addicted offenders by placing them in jails for a year or longer, only to have them come back out to society when their sentence is over. They are still drug-addicts and so they return to the street only to commit yet another crime. From here the cycle of crime, arrest, jail, and return to society continues, solving absolutely nothing. Therefore, placing drug-addicted offenders in jails fails to confront the major problem at hand which is that of the drug abuse. If drug-addicted offenders were placed in drug treatment centers instead of being incarcerated, …show more content…

For most participants who graduate from the programs (ranging from 50% to 65%), drug use is eliminated altogether? (?Summary?).

?There is only a limited amount of time you can incapacitate, maybe a year, a year and a half. If you deal with the addiction, you?re talking about eliminating the criminality for a lifetime. Drug treatment is tough on crime since it deals with the core problem,? explains Dave Fratello an initiative spokesman for a ballot in Los Angeles about treatment for drug-addicted offenders. (Sacbee 2).

As soon as they set their foot right back out into the real world, the addicts just return to their old ways. They were most likely able to obtain some drugs in jail because of the loop holes in our jail systems. Rod Wright, an Assemblyman from Los Angeles, said it best with the following quote about the whole drug abuse situation:
I think ultimately, we?ve got to make some decision in this country as to whether or not we?re going to treat drug abuse as a crime or a health problem. I don?t think criminalizing drug abuse makes the most sense. We want to rid society of drug abuse, but what we?re doing is putting more people in jail and not dealing with the drug abuse. (Sacbee 1)

Drug-addicted offenders need to be placed in treatment centers if our society ever wants to put a dent in the monstrosity of drug abuse. Through these treatments and programs addicts can come to terms with their problems and be able to cope

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