
Understanding good practice in workplace coaching

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• 1.1 Describe and define the purpose of workplace coaching
Coaching as defined by the International Coach Federation (ICF) is:
… an ongoing partnership that helps clients produce fulfilling results in their personal and professional lives. Through the process of coaching, clients deepen their learning, improve their performance and enhance their quality of life …… Coaching is the art of facilitating another person’s learning, development and performance. Through coaching people are able to find their own solutions, develop their own skills and change their own behaviors and attitudes. …show more content…

• Not continue to coach if the coachee is upset. They will give the coachee time to recover
• Ensuring they deal professionally with any identified relationship difficulties or conflicts of interest. Considering carefully the impact on themselves, the coachee, the organisation where appropriate seeking guidance

• 1.3 Describe the behaviours and characteristics of an effective workplace coach 1. A good listener : prepared to be patient, attentive and understanding of others. Practice “generous listening” – listen for the honourable intent behind the coaches words. So if someone has strong passion which is displayed through frustration recognise the passion and the good intention the coachee has behind his or her words. 2. Able to be non-judgemental: not getting drawn in, offering your opinion or criticising even when you might have thought or behaved differently from the parties 3. Open minded: able to respond constructively to a wide variety of people, ideas and different ways of thinking 4. Self Aware :
Sufficiently self aware so as to be able to effectively work with the coachee’s model of the world, not your own. 5. Personally Responsible:
Able to demonstrate continual personal development based upon self awareness 6. Reflective:
Able to reflect on personal effectiveness as well as the improvement in the coachee and feeds this back as evidence of development 7. Good at

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