
Unit 3.4 Supporting Children and Young People's Health and Safety

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"Health and safety in a school is about taking a sensible and proportionate approach to ensure the premises provide a healthy and safe place for all who use them, including the school work force, visitors and pupils." (HSE Health and Safety checklist for classrooms - August 2011) Task 1 Factors to take into account when planning healthy and safe, indoor and outdoor environments and services are: • Lines of responsibility - The Governing Body, Head teacher and Health and Safety Officer. Employees, for example yourself, caretaker and kitchen manager, visitors such as hirers and contractors. • Safeguarding and welfare - Safe recruitment for example, CRB checking, raising awareness of child protection, establishing a safe …show more content…

Children aged five or six would not be able to play on playground apparatus that is only suitable for children over 8 years of age because the apparatus would be too high or have more complex climbing equipment and would not meet their age of development. Age appropriate apparatus and equipment should be available to aid their development. Apparatus/equipment for a child with special educational needs who is over 8 years old would not be suitable if their development age may only be equivalent to a 5 or 6 year old therefore they need access to apparatus/equipment to meet their developing age with approved adaptation and 1:1 support if necessary. "It is a fact of life that accidents, injury and illness happen to all children on occasions regardless." (Sited on a Microsoft Power Point, TA Accredited Course - 10 th November 2012) Task 3 Under the Health and Safety Policy, the procedures of the setting in response to accidents and incidents is that every case is dealt with by designated first aiders and is fully and accurately recorded and signed in the accident book that is kept in the medical room. A form is sent home to parents/carers informing them of any accident. For head injuries parents/carers are informed immediately by telephone and the child is given a sticker to wear stating 'I bumped my head' this

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