
Validity In Counselling

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Psychometric properties assist counselors in determining if an assessment is a quality assessment, if it is appropriate for use, and if the measurement can be trusted (Whiston, 2013). Essential psychometric properties include reliability and validity. Reliability refers to the consistency of which it measures a construct (Whiston, 2013). Validity refers to whether or not the assessment measures the construct that it says it measures (Whiston, 2013). After using the Reliability and Validity Exercise, further distinguish the types and significance of validity and reliability in test creation, application in counseling settings, and potential consequences of using assessment tools. Apply Coffman, Guerin, and Gottfried's evaluation of the Parent-Child Relationship Inventory as a guide. …show more content…

Further, there are different types of reliability such as test-retest, parallel-forms, split-half, and inter-rater reliability (Whiston, 2013). These different types of reliably help to estimate different things. For example, in a study using the Parent-Child Relationship Inventory (PCRI) conducted by Coffman, Guerin, & Gottfried (2006), based on the coefficient alpha of .70 they determined the reliability of the internal consistency to be acceptable for some of the scales while others did not meet acceptable internal consistency. The internal consistency reliability helps to determine the consistency of results across test items by measuring the degree to which a test or scale measures the same construct (Capella Universtiy,

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