
Values In The Warrior Ethos

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The soldier’s creed is a motto that every soldier who enters the US Army. Within it is held a set of standards and values that the Army holds itself by. The Warrior Ethos is one of the most important stanzas within the Soldier’s Creed. Within the warrior ethos resonates four important messages. Mission first, never quit, never accept defeat, and never leave a fallen comrade. However this stanza emphasizes the army values of Leadership, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity, and Personal Courage. The purpose within these set of values is to reinforce an army level ideal that failure by an army and its soldiers is not acceptable while the means to fight exists. These values are supported and benefit from the implementation from the …show more content…

He was a member of D Company in the 8th Engineer Combat Battalion during their assault and capture of hill 775 when the enemy counterattacked. In defense against the counter attack, PFC Brown had soon expended all of his ammunition for his rifle and took small arms fire, including taking a wound in the defense of the hill. With no rifle rounds remaining to use on the assaulting enemy, he utilized what he had hand grenades. However, that supply soon ran out and he was forced to use whatever his allies in the nearby foxholes could give him. In his search for more ammunition and hand grenades, he left his defensive positioning, braving enemy fire to continue to attack the enemy forces. Out of ammunition and hand grenades with the enemy approaching, PFC Brown took cover and drew out the only thing remaining, his entrenching tool. As each enemy peered over the defensive position from which Brown was holding, he swung his tool at each of the enemy heads that he saw. Doing so he assaulted and knocked out one dozen enemy soldiers. Brown’s actions as well as that of the inspiration he had shown to his allies in defense of the position ensured that the enemy forces would be driven back and counter-attack effectively neutralized. When the bodies were cleared after the day was won, they found scores of dead Korean soldiers near Brown’s defensive position many of which with crushed skulls, but they never found PFC

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