
Essay on Vertigo

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The Alfred Hitchcock film; Vertigo is a narrative film that is a perfect example of a Hollywood Classical Film. I will be examining the following characteristics of the film Vertigo: 1)individual characters who act as casual agents, the main characters in Vertigo, 2)desire to reach to goals, 3)conflicts, 4)appointments, 5)deadlines, 6)James Stewart’s focus shifts and 7)Kim Novak’s characters drives the action in the film. Most of the film is viewed in the 3rd person, except for the reaction shots (point of view shot) which are seen through the eyes of the main character.(1st person) The film has a strong closure and uses continuity editing(180 degree rule). The stylistic (technical) film form of Vertigo makes the film much more …show more content…

Afterward, he became heart broken and fell into a depression for a few months. Soon, after he began to replace Madeleine with other people. One day when he was in downtown San Francisco, he saw a woman who looked like Madeleine. The woman's name was Judy Barden. John approached her and asked her out on a date. As they began to fall in love John began to change her into Madeleine. One night when Judy and John where about to go out to dinner, he noticed that Judy had a necklace that was similar to Corlata's necklace. To create closure in his life, John took Judy to the Spanish monastery and her forced to go into the tower, where he overcame his “Vertigo” where Judy confesses to John that Gavin was using both of them in his plan to murder his wife. During her confession, Judy became frightened and fell to her death.

The Hollywood Classical Film characteristics in Vertigo, helps to develop the plot and story. The first element of a Hollywood Classical Film that I will be examining is that individual characters are casual agents of the film. This means that characters in a film act as if they really exist, they have goals, fears, feelings, motives and emotions. The characters in Vertigo who are casual agents are the following: John Ferguson is the main character, he is a ex-cop who suffers from a fear of heights, he is spying on Madeleine Ellester and eventually falls

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