
Violence Against Children Essay

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Violence against children is a phenomenon happening worldwide, in forms of physical, psychological violence. Children are deprived of care, basic social services, health care and education, child abuse, neglect, exploitation, forced to beg, trafficked. Children are still one of the social groups at risk, facing many problems that remain unresolved. Although the consequences may vary according to the type and severity of the violence, the short and long-term consequences for children are very often serious and destructive and are costly. The laws that protect children’s rights are often not effective.
Child abuse takes a variety of forms and is influenced by a variety of factors, individual characteristics of the victim and abuser, the …show more content…

Acceptance of child abuse is also an important factor: both children and abusers may accept physical, sexual and psychological violence as inevitable and normal. Discipline through physical and humiliating punishment, bullying and sexual harassment are often perceived as normal, especially when they do not result in harm "visible" or lasting. Suffering children are invisible when cases of abuse or neglect are not claimed, in certain situations; people do not trust the police, social services and other state authorities. In the current period more than ever, to prevent any unsuitable behavior, it must be well justified and financially prepared. There is little information available about the global economic costs of violence against children. However, the bill for such actions against children proves to be high. The variety of short and long term consequences associated with violence against children suggests that there are significant economic costs to society. Thus, the U.S., the cost of abuse and neglect was about 103.8 billion USD in 2007, the estimated annual cost of child abuse and neglect in the United States for 2008 is $124 billion. including both direct costs associated with early intervention, medical treatment and associated psychological and indirect consequences related to long-term ill-treatment at individual and societal. Protection of children

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