
Vowel and British Poetry Assignment

Satisfactory Essays

Max. Marks: 100
Programme: MC;G
Assignment Code: MEGO 1 ll'MA120 10- 1 1
Dear Student.
In a conventional class your teacher would have discussed your assignment with you, pointed out what made a good essay and what a bad one. We have done exactly the same thing in Unit 52 of the
Thereafter decide upon a topic, i.e. a period or literary group in the history of
British Poetry. You may, if you wish, select a topic from the list given in 52.2.1 (p.70).
Alternatively, you could write on a British poet of your choice. You may write on a poet discussed in the units, i.e. on the syllabus, or even a poet we have not discussed in detail such as Robert Burns,
G M. Hopkins, R.S. Thomas, Ted Hughes or …show more content…

3 Given an account of derivational affixes in English. Illustrate with suitable examples. (20)
4 Why is language planning essential in any country? What are the factors which influence language planning? (20)
5 What are the tests that are used to identify a syntactic constituent? Discuss, giving examples. (20)
6 What are cardinal vowels? Describe and classify the English vowels. (20)
7 What do you understand by bilingualism? Differentiate between compound, coordinate and subordinate bilinguals giving adequate examples. (20)
8 What is the role of learner factors in second language acquisition? Discuss these factors with special reference to motivation and attitude.

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