
Wall Street Journal Article Analysis

Satisfactory Essays

Wall Street Journal Article “Fed’s Janet Yellen Says ‘No Fixed Timetable’ on U.S. Rate Increase”

In this article Federal Reserve Chairwoman Janet Yellen stated that there is “no fixed timetable” for raising the U.S. interest rates. She also confirmed that rate increases will happen since strong labor market gain continue, which will push inflation above the current central back target. The current labor market has continued a growth trend and employers are adding new jobs each month. Additionally the unemployment rate has been held relatively steady. The chairman also warned that if job gains continue and unemployment drops further the inflation rate could rise, which will subsequently raise interest rates at a faster rate than planned. …show more content…

I see how Chairwoman Janet Yellen watches our economy using the same types of measurements. In my opinion predicting the economy is about at tricky as predicting the weather. There are many positive and negative influences with everything having some type of connection, either directly or indirectly. The gradual adjustment made to the interest rate, as well as the goal to keep inflation close to the target percentage rate has provide a slow and steady path to our economy fully recovering from the recession. The continued labor force increases and lowered unemployment has helped the housing market and home values. Additionally automotive sales have increased as well. These types of large monetary purchases typically don’t take place in a failing

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