
Waste Land: All about Vik Muniz

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The documentary “Waste Land” is about Vik Muniz, an artist known for his series of amazing and creative images made from sugar, chocolate syrup, pigment, dirt and peanut butter. He started using different materials from garbage for his art and through his art he tried to help the pickers of the largest landfills near Rio de Genaro. In this analysis I also implement French psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan’s view about the society and culture. Jacques Lacan criticized the society and culture because of the lack of sensitivity and creativity in its culture and ideology that continue to be same since many years.

Analysis The idea begins with the critical and innovative thinking of Vik Muniz about life of the Caribbean people and reason behind the significant difference between their childhood and adulthood. He found lack of sweetness that makes big difference in their life than he started making image of Caribbean people with sugar and Chocolate syrup. He moved to Jardim Gramacho with his idea of helping pickers and I really appreciate his successful attempt of helping pickers of the landfills through his art, working in unsafe condition and work with the people who are addicted to drug but the biggest concern was even if he succeed in his work, will it change the life of people?
As vice president of Association of Pickers of Jardim Gramacho (ACAMJG), Valter, explain interesting fact that almost 50% of the garbage material can be recycled but people do not pay

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