
Essay on Water diuresis in man

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Water Diuresis in Man Practical Report
The body needs to maintain equilibrium to function properly in everyday life. The most important substance it must regulate is water; water is everywhere in our body and its balance is essential for proper body function.
A very carefully regulated process is solute concentration. If there is a sudden increase in water which enters the extracellular fluid, sodium ions will then contribute less to the extracellular solute concentration as the ratio between water and solute has now changed. Osmolality is the amount of solute in a kilogram, hence the osmolality in the extracellular space has also decreased.
Water diuresis is the increase in urinary water excreted with little or no change …show more content…

desmopressin and exercise) differed from that in the control subjects. Explain the following (including the underlying mechanisms):
i. why there is a delay in the onset of the diuresis after water loading in the control subject (A); ii. the effects of administered desmopressin on the diuresis (subject B); iii. the mechanisms by which a single session of vigorous exercise affects the diuresis produced by the water load (subject C).

After drinking water, the control and test subjects had gradual increase of urine flow, reaching a peak then decreasing again, whereas the desmopressin subject had decreased urine flow after taking the hormone, thereafter plateauing. According to the Dunnett’s t test between the urine flow of the subjects, the urine flow of the treatment subjects was significantly different to that of the control.
There is a delay in the onset of diuresis after loading in the control subject as it takes time for the water to be filtered in the body. Water is absorbed from the gut into the extracellular fluid. Osmoreceptors from the posterior pituitary detect the water through cell stretch and initiate responses that control ADH secretion (Widmaier et al., 2014). Fluids are filtered through the kidneys and the excess water is transported to the bladder where it will then be excreted.
Desmopressin decreases the urine volume excreted. Desmopressin is a synthetic substitute for anti-diuretic hormone (ADH). ADH

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