
We Wear The Mask Analysis

Decent Essays

Insecurity takes on many forms, usually resulting in some type of over-compensation. Whatever it is we are lacking, we try to make up for it in other areas, often hiding who we truly are. Both Paul Laurence Dunbar and A.K. Ramanujan support this idea by demonstrating how we hide our emotions, pretend to be something that we are not, and see ourselves from the perspective of others. In Paul Laurence Dunbar’s poem, “We Wear the Mask,” he describes how humans wear a mask to hide their emotions. As demonstrated in line 4, Dunbar states, “with torn and bleeding hearts we smile.” An example of this would be how people go through difficult times in their personal lives, such as financial difficulties, illness or death of a loved one, secret addictions, …show more content…

Ramanujan’s poem, “Self-portrait” he describes looking into shop windows and seeing the portrait of a stranger. “His father “signed in a corner” of the portrait but still, still he feels the loss of identity. He visualizes an outsider, a stranger within” (Patel). He feels like he does not know who he really is and when he sees himself, he does not feel like he has a true identity. In line 1, Ramanujan states, “I resemble everyone but myself.” We often get lost in the crowd and lose sight of whom we really are. In today’s society, we look up to celebrities, professional athletes, singers, and models. We tend to lose focus and try to be more and more like others and less like ourselves. Many people are not comfortable with the way they look, their physical appearance. They will usually try to hide their true appearance by using excessive amounts of makeup or by wearing clothing that does not fit them because they are not comfortable with their bodies. It is not healthy for people to try and pretend to be something they are not. When we compare ourselves to others we tend to feel inferior. In both poems, Dunbar and Ramanujan discuss how they are not themselves and how they are hiding who they truly are from the world. Sometimes we even lose sight of who we are or lie to ourselves about the truth. It is easy to put up a wall from others or to keep people from your personal life. No matter what happens, people will always judge you and always try to get involved

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