
We Wear The Mask By Paul Laurence Dunbar Essay

Decent Essays

The Voice of Hope From Paul Laurence Dunbar “I hope there is something worthy in my writings and not merely the novelty of a black face associated with the power to rhyme that has attracted attention,” (Paul Laurence Dunbar). Paul Laurence Dunbar was a nationally and critically acclaimed african-american poet that was driven to inspire people. He had a love for writing that drove him to make something out of his words. He has not only given a voice to the people around him through his imagery and lyrical poems but has inspired people who before him could have not stood up on their own. He has shown integrity and strength in his poems which has given hope to others that they as well can stand up for what they believe in. Paul Laurence Dunbar, a nationally and critically acclaimed African-American poet, was born …show more content…

We plaster a smile onto our face to cover up what we feel inside. “With torn and bleeding hearts, we smile.” (Dunbar line 4). In Paul Dunbar’s poem, “We Wear The Mask,” he portrays this idea in the way he uses “the mask,” as a symbolic reference to the way humans disguise their feelings. Dunbar assosciates his own personal feelings and experiences in this poem. It is a lyric that expresses sorrow and the nature of humans. The mask represents a face we put on when inside we are truly breaking, the face that seems just as artificial as a mask. Because when you wear a mask no one can see you, or your mistakes and brokeness. You are masking your heart and putting on a show that you feel the world will approve of. “But let the world dream otherwise, we wear the mask.” (Dunbar line 14). Dunbar uses personification in the poem in line one when he says, “We wear the mask that grins and lies.” (Dunbar line 1). The mask is used to symbolize our face in lines 8 and 9, “Nay let them only see us while, we wear the mask.” I loved this poem and the way he describes the concept. It’s something i could never put into words as beautifully as he

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