
We Wear the Mask by Paul Lawrence Dunbar Essay

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Paul Dunbar was an famous African- American poet known for his famous literary works and gained national critical aclaim for his ability to transform the struggle of the black race into powerful poems. His mother and farmer were both former slaves who served in the army. Dun bar’s family grew in extreme poverty, but his mother was always supportive of Dunbar’s love for poems which stemmed from having heard them from the family she used to work for. During Dunbar’s older years he attended Dayton’s central high and was the only black students however his scholarly abitlities was what distinguished him from the rest. He was class poet and president of the literary society in school. During this time period he searched through many poets work …show more content…

The negative emotions in this poem have always been a component of black America’s struggle. In "We Wear The Mask,” The writer describes how people purposely change their external appearances and how this can be both detrimental and helpful. This is seen through his expertise use of metaphors and hyperboles. The poem is also about the mask, humans wear to disguise pain, sadness, or turmoil when in the company of others. The speaker opens with the title of the poem so that readers know that the “mask” (1) is really important. Dunbar gives the mask human characteristics because the people have allowed the mask to go from being temporarily on their face to permanent. It is ironic that the people wear the mask to conceal their suffering, but it causes them to suffer more.The use of hyperbole to express how serious the mask is and exaggerate it's power is seen in line (4) which states " With torn and bleeding hearts we smile". The hyperbole spotlights how the mask is powerful because it feeds off the peoples insecurities and negative emotions. Dunbar uses metaphors to exaggerate the emotions in the poems. He uses metaphor when the poem says "In counting all our tears and sigh " (7). It is impractical to count tears and sighs, henceforth the poet means that the world is unable to understand blacks' sufferings. Hyperbole and metaphors used in the poem links to how everyone wears a mask once in the while and has the

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