
What Are The Causes Of The War Of 1812 Essay

Decent Essays

Robins, Josh
Mr. Sundermeier
World Studies 9
April 8. 2016
The War of 1812
In this essay I will be discussing the major events and battles that took place during the War of 1812. It started in 1812 and lasted until the spring of 1815. There were three main causes for the war taking place, America trading with parts of Europe(France), the Impressment, and the possible desire on the part of the United States to annex Canada, The War of 1812 ended as a stalemate in the spring of 1815. The War of 1812 was a war that never should have been fought.

America Trading With France
The British didn't want America trading especially with France because of a war involving France and Britain that was going on at the time. According to …show more content…

America hated this because the British were literally taking american people and making them fight for someone else.
Why did America want to annex Canada
America wanted to annex Canada because it had a lot of resources that America would have loved to get there hands on the great amount of resources that America could have used. America also wanted to annex canada because it would have been a huge amount of territory gain for america and it would have made America a super country, it would have been a metaphorical spit in the face to Great Britain.
How did the war end?
The war of 1812 ended as a stalemate in 1814 when the downfall of Napoleon allowed the British to distribute more military resources to the war, Washington D.C., fell to the British in August. While In Washington, British troops burned the White House down, and other buildings in retaliation for the earlier burning of government buildings in Canada by the US soldiers. The British soon retreated, and Fort McHenry in Baltimore harbor withstood a massive British continuous attack and inspired Francis Scott Key to pen the Star-Spangled

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