
What Caused Secession Dbq Essay

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DBQ 10: What Caused Secession? The controversy of slavery led the southern states to secede from the US in 1860 and 1861 in many different ways. One of the ways was in Doucement 2 which was a speech giving by Albert Gallatin Brown on September 26, 1860 showing that the southern and northern states loathed each other... “The North is accumulating power, and it means to use the power to emancipate your slave.” Another way was in Doucement 6 a secession by State Legislature on December 20,1860 was stating that when Abraham Lincoln was the president of the United States and the South states didn’t like him at all. “President of the United States whose opinions and purpose are hostile to Slavery….” The last reason was in Doucement 7 from the South

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