
What Does Life's Scars Mean

Decent Essays

Poetry is an artistic form of literature that is often described as aesthetically beautiful. It can generally be distinguished from prose, meaning that it escapes logical meaning by expressing emotions in a creative and thought-provoking way. Poets convey their thoughts and feelings through selecting specific language and poetic devices such as imagery, personification, and alliteration to enhance their message. A poem that personally speaks to me is called ‘Life’s Scars’ by the nineteenth-century American poet, Ella Wheeler Wilcox. Life’s Scars is a depressing poem which explains how the people whom we love the best are the ones who often give us the most pain. Conversely, “we flatter those we scarcely know” with politeness and grace while …show more content…

The purpose of this is so the audience can relate to the poem in their own personal way. These emotions are created through particular phrases and poetic techniques such as imagery, assonance, and consonance to bring across the tone of the poem. The use of assonance is a strong device within the poem, for example, in the fourth line of the first stanza it says, “From corners here and there”. The assonance is used in the ‘E’ sound which drags the words, slowing down the poem. This line enables me to imagine an individual exhausted of being hurt multiple times, either mentally or physically. Wilcox also uses imagery throughout her poem when explaining that we are friendly to strangers but, give the cold shoulder to people we love. An example of this is in the third stanza which states, “The choicest garb, the sweetest grace/Are oft to strangers shown; The careless mien, the frowning face, Are given to our own”. This allows me to picture myself smiling to a stranger but also frowning towards a person I care about. Additionally, the last stanza emphasizes the social issue of bereavement with the lines, “Alas for those who only see/This cut across a tomb!”. These two lines made me realize that the person she loved was gone. This was created by indenting an image of the tombstone in the reader's head. Despite the fact that they loved her, they caused her more suffering than any other human being did. As explored previously, this is an important statement as it highlights the meaning and purpose of the

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