
What Is America's First Written Constitution

Decent Essays

America’s first written constitution was the Articles of Confederation. The delegates to the Second Continental Congress drafted these Articles and created a confederation. A confederation refers to “a highly decentralized system in which the national government derives limited authority from the states rather than directly from citizens” (pg. 50). Under the Articles of Confederation, the states elect officials of the national government, but the states also have the authority to overrule that government’s decisions. According to the Articles, there was a single house of congress and each state was allowed one vote. Congress did have the power to set up a postal department, request the states to provide donations to help cover government expenses, …show more content…

The plan was a bicameral national legislature, where members of the lower chamber would be allocated among the states by population and directly elected by the citizenry. The lower chamber would elect members of the upper chamber from lists of nominees supplied by the state legislatures (pg. 58). The Virginia Plan was favored by large states. An alternative plan that was presented at the Convention by William Paterson was the New Jersey Plan. The New Jersey Plan was a single-house chamber with equal representation for each state regardless of population. The New Jersey Plan gave Congress the authority to force the states to comply with its tax requisitions. The plan also allowed a simple majority vote to enact national policy rather than the supermajority required in the Articles. The New Jersey Plan was favored by delegates who supported states’ rights (59). The solution was The Great Compromise. The Great Compromise was the agreement between large and small states at the Constitutional Convention that decided the selection and composition of Congress. The Great Compromise would have a two-chamber legislature. The Congress stipulated that the lower chamber (House of

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