
What Is My Personal Identity

Decent Essays

To understand others, one must first understand themselves. We are influenced by the ones around us and it shapes us into who we are today. We learn from one another to expand our horizons, to be knowledge and well rounded. Things like our race to our age play major roles in who we are. The three crucial things that have played a significant role in my life have been my family background, my religious views and my personal identity. My family BLANK. A good part of my family have a mental illness disorder due to this I’ve had many restrictions growing up. My mother was diagnosed with bipolar at an early age. At times it’s as if it’s a switch that could easily be turned on or off. My aunt has BLANK depression and the list can go on. There disorders …show more content…

I was raised in a loving Christian family so the religion was BLANK. As I grew up though I started questioning a lot more and things just didn’t add up to me. So currently I believe in a higher power if it is “God” so be it. I see the bible more of a book to have people in order or to give them some sort hope. A book of rules they say he wrote. Maybe it’s because how strictly my family likes to go by it that I don’t like to affiliate with it. That I don’t like giving myself the title of “Christian.” I was unable to do many things as a child because of this. I couldn’t celebrate Halloween, nor have certain friends, I couldn’t play shooting games because according to them the devil was behind it all. In addition to the others, my personal identity is how I see myself. I would say I am an introvert and I am often shy. When I was younger it often stopped me from doing certain things as in meeting new people or going out to new places. Though throughout my life I have been able to overcome some of it and no longer let it take a toll on my life. I enjoy hanging out with my friends and learning new things. I love reading though I hardly make time for it anymore. I am a procrastinator. I am myself and I am constantly changing to be a better me. In conclusion, these three things my family background, my religious views and my personal identity have played a key role in my life and makes me who I am today. I wouldn’t be the same

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