
What Is The Conflict In The Movie Ordinary People

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In the movie “Ordinary People”, the Jarett family struggles to overcome the death of their son but lacks conflict management. Conflict management could have helped them to communicate and understand each other’s feeling to respond in a positive way. Conrad, Beth, and Calvin practice “silence” or “violence” by holding onto emotions and then later having them explode out of anger. The family could have resolved these problems by creating safety and contrasting emotions. Conrad, the son of Beth and Calvin, recently came home from the hospital where he received treatment and counseling for committing suicide. Conrad tends to display “silence” by withdrawing and masking. In one particular scene of the movie as he was riding in the car with three …show more content…

Conrad felt as if his mother didn’t truly care for him because she traveled around the world while he stayed at the hospital. This method of avoidance kept her from confronting the issue. At a Christmas party that Beth and Calvin were at, Calvin was drinking and talking to a lady and admits that Conrad is seeing a psychiatrist. Seeing this interaction, Beth is very mad because she doesn’t want to expose their personal life. In the car, she shares her frustration with Calvin in an angry tone. Beth is a very stubborn person that struggle facing her vulnerability. A better way to handle this would have been to open up to her husband and son. If she visited Conrad in the hospital, she would’ve been able to shift her attention off the death of her older son to the health of Conrad. The father, Calvin, tends to use silence to handle his emotions. After Beth and Conrad argue about him quitting the swim team, Calvin tells his wife that they should stop fighting and try to understand how he feels. This use of wanting to create safety for Conrad, would manage the conflict if executed. Later, in another argument with his wife, Calvin tells his wife that she is beautiful but makes him mad. Stating that she is beautiful assures her and creates safety before telling her that she makes him mad. Calvin uses the best methods of conflict management in the

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