
What Is The Difference Between The Red Scare And Salem Witch Trials

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Red Scare And Salem Witch Trial

The United States endured the Red Scare From the 1945 to sometime around the 1952 which mainly focus on the hunt for communist. Many thought that the war was finally over but an parallel attack was coming that would separate and turn people against one another. In many ways this paranoid resembles to the Salem Witch Trial in the 17th century which inventively caused tension between various majority. The Salem witch trials people were accused of being witches similar to the same way that Americans were uneased about communism

During the time of the trail people that were accused must confess of being witches or otherwise they …show more content…

The trial and the Red Scare both had a profound effect in the American history with the fact that now no one can be accuse without any proven evidence. The event occurred a long time ago it it best to learn from them so history does not repeats it self . The events that drastically changes the life of many people will forever haunt them as it can not cause them their job but also the survival of

their family. The hysteria cause of the event trigger riots tension and a Civil war between everyone.

The characters accused of witchcraft in the play’s

seventeenth century Salem resembles those Americans

accused of Communist sympathies during the Red Scare

in that they both faced the personal conflicts of self preservation

versus …show more content…

The same with the Red Scare people in the United States lived in fear many people lost their job and citizens learned that politicians have their own agenda and they only crave more power than ever. Unlike the Salem Witch Trial the Red Scare inflict fear in the whole country while the trial just inflicted fear in Salem. In the Red Scare people were not killed for being communist but they lost everything to raise a family to make a living and transhed their career which prevented them from applying for another job. In the Red Scare many of the writer like Arthur Miller and his friend like Elia Kazan were accused of being communist and were

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