
What Is The Thesis For The Yellow Wallpaper

Decent Essays

AJ Meldick
Mrs. Sites
AP English 12
October 9, 2017

“The Yellow Wallpaper”, written by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, shows the slow progression of madness from the point of view of the person who is going mad. Our narrator, unnamed, but possibly named Jane, says she is sick, as does her doctor and husband, John. This short story can be interpreted in many different ways, but mainly focuses on the oppression of women in the late 1800’s. This woman who is seemly mad journeys through “hell” as she slides deeper into the confines of madness. At the start of our story, our narrator states that she is sick, per say of her Husband and her brother who are both doctors. John recommends a rest cure, which means that she will be confined to her room with no stimulus to the mind or body. Since she just had a baby, she could be suffering from post-partum depression, in which a rest cure is the worst thing to do for that. She notes some surroundings of the room and among the seemingly ominous descriptions she notices the yellow colored wallpaper. The wallpaper, bright in places and faded in others, makes her feel uncomfortable. She …show more content…

The name Jane is spoken in the story and there is no mention of said name at all again. Jane could be the name of our narrator or could be a misprint from John’s sister, Jennie. “I’ve got out in spite of you and Jane” she says to John. This story would take a major, ominous turn if Jane was the name of our narrator. This would mean that she doesn’t think she is herself anymore, but the woman in the wallpaper. If it was supposed to be “Jennie” then it could represent the escape from the oppression of men and the women who accept it. Either way, Jane remains a mystery. “The Yellow Wallpaper” has a narrator who is clinically insane at the end of our story, but who wouldn’t be? In this tale of madness, we see a young woman go insane from not only the lack of creative stimulus in a creative mind, but also from the oppression of the

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